Online Workshops
Online Workshops

CyberSmart! Online Workshops, facilitated professional
development, give educators a hands-on experience in 21st century skills—the
new basic skills—to meet the learning needs of today's students. That's
Five Online Workshops
Safety and Security Online
Manners, Bullying, and Ethics
Authentic Learning and Creativity
Research and Information Fluency
Twenty-First Century Challenges
Each facilitated workshop offers a flexible format with no scheduled meeting times. Bite-sized tasks are structured to encourage collaboration and completion within a research-based professional learning community. Anytime/anywhere over a one month period.
Collaborative Learning
All workshops offer a rich multimedia learning experience. The interactive format includes guided learning videos, engaging discussion, and use of Web 2.0 tools to appeal to varying levels of technical expertise—all within in a supportive professional learning community.
I didn't realize how isolated I was professionally until I experienced an online workshop where I interacted within extended 'conversations' that sometimes took unexpected turns but always remained lively and interesting.
Diane Cordell, K-12 School Library Media Secialist, Fort AnnSchool, New York
I loved the use of online surveys, discussions and the "online community of learners" approach to this workshop. The CyberSmart! Knowledgebase of kept me engaged for hours, literally. It was great to listen to experts as they shared their perspectives on 21st Century learning.
Kirstin Riddick, Resource Teacher Coordinator, Newark Public Schools, Newark, NJ
North Carolina District Turns to CyberSmart!
Outstanding! I am most impressed and pleased with the work that you have done for us. The workshop was well aligned with the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards and met our district strategy to provide our professional staff with training to support the development of 21st century skills.
Tezella Cline, Professional Development Specialist, Lenoir County Public Schools
Increase Student Engagement
The overwhelming majority of CyberSmart! participants report they are now more likely to use online resources to increase student engagement in learning.
NSBA's Techology Leadership Network is pleased to work with CyberSmart! as a provider of online professional development in 21st century skills to NSBA's TLN member districts.
These workshops are for all kinds of educators, it doesn't matter what you teach. The skills I learned will be with me for life.
Meg Swecker, Instructional Technology Resource Teacher, Roanoke County Schools, Virginia
... The expert videos in the CyberSmart! Knowledgebase are loaded with material—direct, short, and to the point. They provide easy-to-understand reasons for implementing technology in the district classroom in order for students to learn 21st Century skills through authentic learning.
George Lieux, District Student Assistance Technology Academy Specialist Fort Smith Public Schools, Arkansas
I understand better how online learning can be integrated with regular classroom learning to provide more resources and a broader learning venue...
Susan Tussing, Principal, Lyndeborough Central School, New Hampshire